Computer Terms - Elementary Grades

  1. 1. Wireless Internet connections
  2. 3. in a spreadsheet, these start with an = sign and perform calculations
  3. 6. These are the terms used to find information in a search engine
  4. 8. A series of connections. A series of connected computers and devices through a LAN or wireless device to communicate and share resources
  5. 10. A part of a spreadsheet (side to side/horizontal) that is represented by a number
  6. 11. An organized collection of electronic or printed information that you can easily search and sort
  7. 12. A computer program that was written to purposely damage computer systems
  8. 15. By using webcams, individuals and groups can 'meet' face to face through their computers, no matter where they are
  9. 17. 1 millions (1,000,000 bytes)
  10. 20. 1,024 bytes
  11. 21. The address of a specific Web site or file on the Internet
  12. 22. The information you type into a database
  1. 2. A graphic or picture
  2. 4. A computer program that creates graphs, and organizes numerical data into rows and columns
  3. 5. a program with a graphical user interface for displaying HTML files, used to navigate the World Wide Web
  4. 7. Programs that operate or run the computer
  5. 9. This law protects creators of any original work, so others cannot use it as their own or give it away
  6. 13. A set of recommended manners for people interacting on the internet/online
  7. 14. To get a document from someone else's computer, over a network, and save it on your computer, or on the cloud
  8. 16. The 'box' in a spreadsheet where a column and row intersect
  9. 18. Doing the right thing
  10. 19. A part of the a spreadsheet (up and down/vertical) represented by a letter