Computer Terms

  1. 2. agrred upon format of between two devices
  2. 3. software program
  3. 4. letter or number
  4. 7. disk magnetic disk
  5. 8. complete tasks while your computer is running
  6. 11. disk magnetic material
  7. 12. helps you perform coomands,open programs or document quickly
  8. 13. copying from one file
  9. 15. text messaging
  10. 17. transferring information
  11. 21. up,boot disk computer power switch
  12. 22. stands for disk operating system
  13. 23. card helps the monitor display the image
  14. 26. name of a new optical disk format
  15. 29. input device
  16. 31. hold information
  17. 32. internet or satelite
  18. 35. information
  19. 37. graphical representation
  20. 38. bug caused by software or hardware
  21. 40. operating program
  22. 43. bar locate and launch programs
  23. 46. tray volume control and battery power
  24. 49. organizes documents,pictures and videos
  25. 50. tablet
  1. 1. html documents
  2. 2. port plug into a flash drive
  3. 5. measured in bytes
  4. 6. wide web huge database with tons of information that you can search from your computer
  5. 9. represents one million cycles per second
  6. 10. temporary storage for a web page
  7. 14. system supports a computers basic functions
  8. 16. board main center
  9. 18. amazon
  10. 19. collects,organizes,and stores any and all information
  11. 20. signals on a screen
  12. 21. wireless technology
  13. 24. create one excel
  14. 25. computer system or smart phone
  15. 27. program you can open in the start menu
  16. 28. graphic image
  17. 30. virus software identifys and blocks viruses
  18. 33. large data base
  19. 34. anywhere where wifi is accessible
  20. 35. engines finds sites and information that link to a key search word
  21. 36. known as terms of service
  22. 39. mini laptop
  23. 40. allows you to be able to edit a paper or product
  24. 41. related web pages
  25. 42. flash drive small universal device
  26. 44. optical disk format
  27. 45. stands for optical character recognition
  28. 47. phone mobile phone
  29. 48. links a home network to the internet