Computer Vocabulary Terms

  1. 3. : CD , Computer memory unit
  2. 7. : To Prepare , Method
  3. 8. : to fix something, To Re-work on it
  4. 10. : Sketch, or To plan something out
  5. 11. : Computer, Or something u use for web
  6. 15. Software : Computer Program
  7. 17. : something u type on, use internet on , use to do re-search\
  8. 18. : Something u use to type on a computer or laptop
  9. 19. Adresses : To Send something back, return to sender
  10. 20. size : it measures
  11. 21. greeting, Salute
  12. 23. Spacing : Type or Format of something
  13. 27. : something u use to enclose up a letter
  14. 29. Processing : Method, Processing something
  1. 1. : Computer Add-on , To scan
  2. 2. : To go back and forth
  3. 4. : Wide straight
  4. 5. : Size of letters
  5. 6. :Importance, scale
  6. 7. : When u go over something, Re-Read
  7. 9. : A Definition book, like a Dictionary
  8. 12. : Record Holder
  9. 13. : File, to save something, To Store something
  10. 14. : Something a Human has
  11. 16. put : Production , Finished product
  12. 22. Skill or a Talent
  13. 24. Top : A Computer u can travel with
  14. 25. : Screen blinker , Desktop Arrow, Computer pointer
  15. 26. Head : Corporate Stationary
  16. 28. Protection : Computer Scanner , Protection