
  1. 3. A method used for connecting computers in a company or home network.
  2. 5. An address that identifies a particular file on the internet.
  3. 6. Smallest unit of measurement greater than a byte.
  4. 10. Most effective way to accomplish data security.
  5. 12. Printer A process of making a 3 dimensional figure by printer.
  1. 1. The arrow on your screen to guide you where you are going on the screen.
  2. 2. A virtual creation of something such as system, a server, a storage device or network resources
  3. 4. Refers to the practice of modifying or to adjust the computer software and hardware.
  4. 7. “Bytes per second” a popular unit of measurement for interest rates and other finances.
  5. 8. Unit of information.
  6. 9. “Domain Name System” This server uses its resources to resolve the name into the IP address for the right Web server.
  7. 11. “Computer-aided design” this is a software used by architects, engineers, drafters, and artist, it's to create 2-D models for 3D models.