- 3. A free and open source web browser is known as mozilla firefox
- 8. A mass storage device that has no moving parts.
- 11. People who do calculations back in the day
- 12. A computer program that takes over software from another computer
- 14. A hardware device that converter data from a digital format
- 16. The physical parts of a computer
- 18. The main printed circuit board in general purpose computers
- 19. the main software on a computer
- 20. The main screen area that you see after turning on your computer
- 21. The “D” in dvd
- 22. A company taht features many application software including Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
- 26. The collective name for viruses, spyware, ransomware etc
- 27. Known as the “father of computers”
- 1. Engine A complex machine that can approximate polynomials
- 2. Until the 1800’s a computer was considered a
- 4. The step reckoner worked similar to a ______ in your car
- 5. The “P” in CPU stands for
- 6. A hardware device that keeps the computer device cool by circulating air
- 7. the first recorded person to use the word computer in a book by
- 9. This 1800’s device could add, subtract, multiply, and divide
- 10. Considered the world's first computer programmer
- 13. A collection of data that tells the computer how to work
- 15. Considered to be the first computer this was a calculating tool
- 17. A form of computer memory that can be read or changed in any order
- 23. A software that is made to gather information on a certain person
- 24. The first group of people to apply computing in real world complex problems
- 25. Drive a data storage device that includes flash memory