- 2. A separate viewing area on a computer display screen
- 4. A software package used to display information
- 6. A computer display area that represents the kinds of objects found
- 8. A computer is to load an operating system
- 11. A container in a computer system for storing information.
- 12. A long thin box along one edge of a window
- 13. A computer program that can capture, display and manipulate data
- 15. A small graphical representation of a program
- 16. The position indicator on a computer display screen
- 18. A set of options presented to the user of a computer application
- 1. A computer file containing information input
- 3. A modifier key which, when pressed in conjunction with another key, performs a special operation
- 5. Quickly pressing a button on a computer mouse or other device two times.
- 7. A computer file that contains an encoded sequence of instructions
- 9. The access point for programs displayed on the desktop
- 10. A link to an item
- 11. An area on the computer containing other folders and files and helps keep the computer organized.
- 14. Files and folders can be copied or moved to another location
- 17. Record or image being worked on to a storage medium.