
  1. 2. : Computer cases are produced in a vairety of form _____.
  2. 4. : What is the brain of the computer?
  3. 7. : ___________ technology allows a computer to run multiple operating systems in partitions or separate files.
  4. 9. : _____ are used to manipulate small parts.
  5. 10. : Use __________ air to clean the mouse, mouse sensor, and keyboard.
  6. 11. : What is a complete lost of AC power?
  7. 12. : One thing that a computer consists of?
  8. 14. : Keep food and _____ out of your workspace.
  9. 17. : Batteries often contain rare earth _____ that can be harmful to the environment.
  10. 18. : ____ provides fast, temporary data storage for the CPU while the computer is operating.
  1. 1. : Remove dust from the components inside the computer and __________ equipment such as printers.
  2. 3. : The computer is capable of operating multiple applications at the same time.
  3. 5. : What is the main part of a computer?
  4. 6. : Use organizational _____ during computer repairs.
  5. 8. : What prepares a hard drive to store information?
  6. 10. : A _____ is used to attach connectors to wires.
  7. 13. : Some computer case covers have sharp or _______ edges.
  8. 15. cable : The PATA cable is sometimes called a _____ _____ because it is wide and flat.
  9. 16. : A ______ contains 512 bytes.