- 1. Against constitution (states' power)
- 5. Amendments 4-8
- 6. 3rd amendment
- 8. 1st amendment S
- 12. House of Representatives & Senate
- 14. 1st amendment R
- 16. Strong central government will provide stability
- 17. One branch of government cannot have all the power
- 21. Increased in political influence using slaves
- 23. Three branches of government Judicial, Legislative, Executive
- 2. Branch of government that makes laws
- 3. 1st Constitution
- 4. First 10 amendments
- 7. 1st Amendment
- 9. 1st amendment P
- 10. 2nd amendment; right to --
- 11. 1st amendment P
- 13. States' rights (10th Amendment)
- 15. Process to admit new states
- 18. (9th amendment) power to the people to hold authority in government
- 19. Right to trial by ____
- 20. rebellion, Proved we had a strong, powerful government
- 22. People elect representatives (voting)
- 24. 1st amendment A