Concepts for Testing

  1. 2. A functional test and test automation software that allows the user to interact with any device, operating system, or technology, from mobile to API to mainframe. (HINT:-g------)
  2. 7. It is a software testing technique, that checks an app or website which offers full functionality and usability in a particular locale.
  3. 11. It is a cloud-based platform for automated testing of desktop and mobile applications designed to be instantly scalable. (HINT: ---c-----)
  4. 12. It is a type of testing performed to ensure that the application being tested is usable by people with disabilities like hearing, color blindness, old age, etc.
  5. 13. It is a commercial Windows GUI test automation tool that supports functional UI testing on desktop, web, and mobile applications. (HINT: ---o---)
  1. 1. It is a product verification process across multiple language, regions, currency settings.
  2. 3. The testing that verifies if there is proper functioning of the product with any of the locale settings. (HINT: -----l-------)
  3. 4. It is a type of partial release which has changes in some modules.
  4. 5. It is a date simulation software that lets your time travel software into the future or past for temporal testing of all date sensitive functionality and code.
  5. 6. A testing technique that involves testing a module of a piece of software and pushing it to its breaking point. (HINT: -o-----)
  6. 8. It is a testing tool that provides Model-based Test Automation.
  7. 9. A software analysis method used to identify structural units in code under test. (HINT: --s--)
  8. 10. Mention a Domain Specific Language which entitles its users to write efficient tests in a well-documented way. (HINT: --e----)