Concepts of Crime

  1. 1. The person harmed by the crime.
  2. 2. The person who determines questions of law in a trial.
  3. 6. When the accused pleads guilty in exchange for some benefit.
  4. 8. The physical elements of the crime are known as the _ _(2 words).
  5. 12. The place where the accused sits during the trial.
  6. 16. This rests on the prosecution in a criminal trial (3 words).
  7. 17. The name given to the jury's decision at the end of a trial.
  8. 19. A person who gives oral evidence at trial.
  9. 21. The _ of innocence is a fundamental principle of criminal law.
  1. 1. A trial within a trial to determine admissibility of evidence (2 words).
  2. 3. When evidence or questions are thought to be inappropriate either side may _.
  3. 4. The person/people who must prove their case beyond reasonable doubt.
  4. 5. A name given to barristers and solicitors.
  5. 7. The person who stands trial.
  6. 9. When the accused is confined during the trial.
  7. 10. Beyond reasonable doubt is the _ _ _ in a criminal trial (3 words).
  8. 11. Generally, jury verdicts must be _.
  9. 13. The mental elements of the crime are known as the _ _ (2 words).
  10. 14. The Australian criminal justice system is an _ system.
  11. 15. The people who determine questions of fact in a trial.
  12. 18. When the jury cannot reach a verdict this is called a _ jury.
  13. 20. To be presented in court, evidence must be _.
  14. 22. The punishment decided by the judge if the accused is found guilty.
  15. 23. When evidence is presented to the court.