Concerning things (space is -)

  1. 5. the result of burning fossil fuels and other similar human activities
  2. 6. christianity, islam, judaism, taoism etc
  3. 8. a colour containing arsenic, popular in the Victorian era
  4. 9. a creature commonly considered the world's ugliest animal
  5. 11. сосед Эстонии
  6. 12. everything beyond Earth
  7. 15. obsessive fan, used mainly in the kpop and DSMP communities
  8. 17. a district in Tallinn known for its criminal activity
  9. 19. being able to die
  10. 20. round, often transparent creatures living in the ocean and containing lethal poison
  11. 23. The most bland kind of ice cream
  12. 24. hatred of attraction towards the same gender
  13. 25. (plural) Bill Gates,Jeff Bezoz, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg
  14. 27. a radical figure in the French Revolution
  15. 28. a pink vegetable
  16. 29. a red fruit often used for ketchup that shouldn't be put into a smoothie
  17. 30. an experience that's not real
  1. 1. a nuclear accident that occurred near Pripyat
  2. 2. The CEO of Tesla
  3. 3. a woodwind instrument popular in Scotland
  4. 4. the most political social media platform
  5. 7. An album on the themes of memory loss made by Leyland Kirby
  6. 10. an asian country with a strict communist regime
  7. 13. big body of water, there are 4-5 of them
  8. 14. a local rotten delicacy in Iceland
  9. 16. I forgor
  10. 18. a frog, salamander etc
  11. 21. a set of empty corridors outside of the universe with various levels and entities
  12. 22. a black 10 ft creature with wings and red eyes
  13. 26. weak bones, lack of calcium