Confederation to Constitution

  1. 3. System of government in which power is shared between the states and federal government.
  2. 4. Served as the written document that established the functions of the national government of the United States after it declared independence from Great Britain.
  3. 5. 1786 uprising in Massachusetts of 1500 farmers led by Daniel Shays, who were protesting unfair land taxes and an unresponsive government.
  4. 7. People who supported the Constitution.
  5. 12. Essays written by Federalists urging ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
  6. 15. Determined that three out of every five slaves was counted when determining a state's total population for legislative representation and taxation.
  7. 16. Area of land north of the Ohio River and included the current states of Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and a chunk of Minnesota.
  8. 17. Plan proposed a government that would have three branches (judicial, legislative, & executive) and two houses.
  9. 18. Trail built by Daniel Boone that served as the pathway to the western United States for over 300,000 settlers.
  10. 19. Described how the Northwest Territory was to be governed.
  1. 1. Established the United States legislature as a bicameral, or two-house law-making body (Senate & House of Representatives).
  2. 2. Virginia delegate of the Constitutional Convention who refused to sign the Constitution until a bill of rights was added.
  3. 6. People who opposed the Constitution.
  4. 8. The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution.
  5. 9. Divided the Northwest Territory into townships.
  6. 10. Was a convention of delegates from all the states except Rhode Island that met in Philadelphia, PA, in May of 1787.
  7. 11. Plan called for a legislature with only one house, and each state only one vote.
  8. 13. Was known as the "Father of the Constitution."
  9. 14. In this form of government people choose representatives to govern them.