
  1. 2. Gift of the Holy Spirit that gives us the ability to exercise good judgment
  2. 3. Gift of the Holy Spirit that gives us the ability to have personal holiness.
  3. 5. Who is the ordained minister of Confirmation?
  4. 7. the priest say at confirmation "Be _____ with the gifts of the Holy Spirit"
  5. 8. Giving God and neighbor their due.
  6. 10. Knowing what is write and taking the correct action to do it.
  7. 11. True or False: a person must be baptized in order to be confirmed
  8. 12. Calmness, freedom from anxiety or trouble
  9. 13. True or False: Only bishops can administer the Sacrament of Confirmation
  10. 16. 3 sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Eucharist,and __________
  11. 19. Our free response to God to love Him above all and to love our neighbor for God's sake.
  12. 21. Gift of the Holy Spirit that gives us unwavering commitment to God or a proper course of action
  13. 22. gift of the Holy Spirit that gives us good advice
  14. 24. Gift of the Holy Spirit that gives us the ability of awe, reverence and respect for God
  15. 25. Avoiding too much or too little of things; balancing desires
  1. 1. the member of the trinity that will come onto during your confirmation
  2. 4. A steady will to do good, in spite of difficulties.
  3. 6. The ability to wait without getting upset
  4. 9. gift of the Holy Spirit that gives us intelligence and enlightenment.
  5. 14. Our free response to God to believe him and the truths He has revealed to us.
  6. 15. Gift of the holy spirit that gives us the ability to learn and to study
  7. 16. Unselfish love, giving of yourself for the good of others
  8. 17. Friendliness and considerateness
  9. 18. happiness, delight, gratitude
  10. 20. The habit of choosing right over wrong
  11. 23. Our free response to God to trust in His promises.