Conflict and Co-operation over time

  1. 1. This animal was used at the Battle of Hastings and is still used today
  2. 3. This type of protection was the last time of whole body protection
  3. 6. This was significant during the First World War
  4. 7. Soldiers used to use these at the start of World War 1
  5. 8. This was significant during the First World war as it thousands of people
  6. 9. Solders carry more equipment because they are expected to
  7. 12. The first type of protection that was used
  8. 14. This factor of influence changes the colour of modern soldiers uniform
  9. 15. This helps protect modern soldiers
  10. 16. What weapon has stayed the same and been carried by Soldiers over time?
  1. 2. We people stopped wearing armour because of this new invention
  2. 4. This animals role has changed, it used to fight then it was used to move heavy things
  3. 5. Soldiers used this to protect their lungs
  4. 6. The allowed soldiers to be seen on a smoky battlefield
  5. 10. This is not Conventional Warfare this is....
  6. 11. This animal was used to carry messages
  7. 13. This replaced an animal during World war 1