Confusing Titles from Literature

  1. 6. An Otter (poem)
  2. 9. The Alchemist (comedy)
  3. 10. Metamorphosis (novel)
  4. 11. The Metamorphoses (poem)
  5. 12. The Duchess of Malfi
  6. 13. A Modern Utopia
  7. 15. The Alchemist (novel or self help book)
  8. 17. Utopia
  9. 18. The Anatomy of the World
  1. 1. The Battle of Books
  2. 2. The Book of Martyrs
  3. 3. All for Love
  4. 4. The Duchess of Dadna
  5. 5. A Portrait of a Lady
  6. 7. The Anatomy of Melancholy
  7. 8. Lucky Jim
  8. 13. The Otter (poem)
  9. 14. Lord Jim
  10. 16. The Book of Duchesse