Congestive Heart Failure

  1. 1. ______ on exertion is a symptom of congestive heart failure
  2. 4. edema that is heard as crackles in the lungs
  3. 5. heart failure with reduced ejection fraction
  4. 7. reduce preload
  5. 8. lab value used to estimate the severity of heart failure
  6. 11. pressure that the heart must work against to eject blood during systole
  7. 12. swelling in bilateral lower extremities
  1. 1. heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
  2. 2. pulmonary ______ is a result of congestive heart failure
  3. 3. surgery for patients with CAD
  4. 6. implantable device to support the left ventricle
  5. 7. risk factor for developing congestive heart failure
  6. 9. drug that increases myocardial contractility
  7. 10. stroke volume x heart rate