Congress Part 1

  1. 5. A part of congress with 435 members
  2. 7. When a bill successfully goes through the conference committee it is called a _____ version.
  3. 10. A technique used by senators who talk a bill to death
  4. 13. If you have the job you are running for you are the _____
  5. 15. In the house of representatives, a bill is introduced when it is place in a box called the _____
  6. 18. The ____ _ __ ____ is whoever is on the floor during session in the house
  7. 21. The ___ ___ ___ committee is a powerful committee where tax bills and spending bills are sent to
  8. 23. During _____ witnesses appear and questions are asked relating to the bill
  9. 25. A ____ is something attached to a piece of legislation that is not germane to the bill
  10. 26. A group of voters who are being represented by someone
  11. 27. During a ____ ____ a roll call is taken to determine if the minimum number of member in the house are present
  1. 1. When committees set aside a bill causing it to die
  2. 2. ___ ___ originally chose our senators
  3. 3. The _____ of the house is in charge of the house of representatives
  4. 4. When amendments are ____ they are relevant to the bill
  5. 6. Both houses of congress are divided up into groups based on areas of specialization
  6. 7. Every 10 years this is done to determine the populations of states relative to each other
  7. 8. Small groups inside of committees
  8. 9. ____ districts where incumbents win by extremely large amounts
  9. 11. _____ rules govern debate in the senate
  10. 12. When a bill has gone through both house passed as two seperate versions, this bill is made into a single version at the _________
  11. 14. ______ legislature is a two chamber legislature
  12. 16. The person in charge of the senate is known as the ____ officer
  13. 17. The ___ ___ was the nickname for the original senate
  14. 19. _____ districts where the candidate elected tends to win in a close election
  15. 20. A part of congress with 100 members, 2 per state
  16. 22. A ___ ___ bill is a bill with a bunch of riders
  17. 24. ____ rules govern debate in the house of representatives