
  1. 1. a bill that is approved by a subcommittee and then the standing committee, goes where? House or Senate _______ for a vote (304).
  2. 2. a _________ 'yes' vote will move a bill from a subcommittee back to the standing committee (304).
  3. 4. most of the ____________ powers in the Const. were given to Congress (304).
  4. 6. This Committee meets to reconcile different versions of the same bill (305).
  5. 9. debate in the Senate, unlike in the House, is _________ timed. (ask if clues do not help)
  6. 12. if the president, or anyone else, wants to introduce a bill a congressional _________ must be found to introduce it (304).
  7. 13. checks and balances dictates that Congress makes sure the executive branch carries out the intent of Congress in administering federal programs (309).
  8. 16. think of committee as functioning like a ___________ (not in text/ask if clues do not help)
  9. 17. the necessary and proper clause is associated with these powers. (304)
  10. 20. after a bill reaches its first destination, it is then sent to a __________ (304).
  11. 25. after a bill is introduced, it is immediately referred to an appropriate ___________ committee (304).
  12. 26. what determines which committee a bill goes to? ______ of the bill (304).
  1. 1. only occurs in the Senate; an attempt to "talk a bill to death" (307).
  2. 3. it is much easier to __________a bill than pass it (304).
  3. 5. debate in the Senate has __________ rules and procedures. why? (307).
  4. 6. the process of passing a law, at almost every step, promotes _________ (304).
  5. 7. according to the author, no more than about ____% of (6 to 9 thousand) introduced bills become laws. (304)
  6. 8. This type of vote, a 3/5 vote, (only happens in Senate) ENDS debate on a bill. (307)
  7. 10. only members of _________ can introduce bills (304).
  8. 11. most bills die in ______________ (304).
  9. 14. only the House has a ___________ Committee. This is when a time and/or amendment limit is placed on a bill (305).
  10. 15. _____ bills must be initiated in the House (304).
  11. 18. the author equates passing a law with running an ______ course. (304)
  12. 19. this group plays a particularly influential role (indirectly) during the markup stage. (305)
  13. 21. since the 1920s, the president has prepared the annual ______ (310).
  14. 22. if the president's party does NOT also control Congress, Congress creates its ____ budget (310).
  15. 23. during this part of the process, bills are added to or subtracted from. (305)
  16. 24. __________ votes are needed (in the Senate) in order to end debate (cloture vote). (308)