Connie 22 tube crossword bonanza

  1. 3. wordle, wordle, wordle, wordle
  2. 5. dumbledore's brother (this is just a hp one as a test)
  3. 6. on a key and in a tank
  4. 7. best meatballs no mini rolls
  5. 9. spanish gentleman
  6. 13. greek god of water parks
  7. 14. anag (shapop)
  8. 16. like puzzle
  9. 18. basically our song
  10. 21. your favourite player
  11. 22. old canal hotspot
  1. 1. no veggie burger/ guilty pleasure (6,7)
  2. 2. "maybe we should stay here all night"(7,6)
  3. 4. the name I can now remember
  4. 8. he's back
  5. 10. she totally had a drink spilled on her
  6. 11. your least favourite, colour
  7. 12. knice drinks
  8. 15. lost hat and weed tea
  9. 17. thats not your husband
  10. 19. great minds think alike
  11. 20. the trust is gone