Considine's Nicknames for Jade

  1. 3. What one eats at the beginning of the day!
  2. 6. The evening meal, often the principal meal of the day.
  3. 8. A formal midday meal often enjoyed with guests.
  4. 9. Two words combined (no spaces!). A French term for an appetizer or starter served before a meal.
  5. 11. Two words combined (no spaces!). Bonus: not really a proper nickname, but a description Considine uses for Jade! An orange root vegetable that has lost its mind.
  6. 12. An elaborate and formal meal, often with guests and with entertainment.
  7. 13. An often sweet final course of a meal (such as cake, pie, fruit, ice cream).
  8. 14. The time in the afternoon when a particular drink is traditionally served.
  9. 15. Two words combined (no spaces!). A late meal eaten just before going to bed, or food when one is peckish in the middle of the night!
  10. 16. A small portion of food or drink, especially between meals.
  11. 17. A small dish served before a meal to awaken one's appetite.
  1. 1. Food eaten on a regular occasion.
  2. 2. A late morning meal combining two other meals.
  3. 4. Supplies, often food, that are PROvided for a journey and considered necessities. (Think military!)
  4. 5. Two words combined (no spaces!). A measured portion of food eaten just before going to bed (think food label used during times of scarcity.)
  5. 7. Two words combined (no spaces!). Items of food and drink that a person stores and relies on in case of an emergency.
  6. 10. Two words combined (no spaces!). A drink (usually caffeinated, but not always) that is enjoyed between lunch and dinner, sometimes with a snack.
  7. 18. Bonus: A party where everyone brings a food dish. But, it's what Considine WON'T call Jade because she is just for him "and not to be shared."