
  1. 1. How many stars are on the United States flag
  2. 3. The date of Independence Day is July
  3. 6. most powerful court in the Judicial Department
  4. 8. The Senate and the House of Representatives is what we call _____
  5. 10. a written plan of government
  6. 11. How many full terms can the president of the United States serve
  7. 12. There are 50 ____ in the Union
  8. 15. the 13th Amendment forbid owning one
  9. 16. The stars on the United States flag are ____
  10. 17. How many stripes are on the United States flags
  11. 19. "we the _____ of the United States"
  1. 2. The United States president is elected for ____ years
  2. 4. How many branches are there in the government of the United States
  3. 5. addition or change in the Constitution
  4. 7. George Washington was Commander-in-Chief of the _____ Army
  5. 9. The Declaration of _____ was a proclamation of the former American colonies that they were now and henceforth free states
  6. 10. One of the 13 original colonies
  7. 13. The 50th state added to our country was _____
  8. 14. people have the ____ to a speedy trial
  9. 18. On Independence Day we celebrate independence from _____