
  1. 4. Delegates of the Constitutional Convention who shaped the Constitution
  2. 6. Power of the court to judge whether or not actions of other branches are unconstitutional
  3. 9. Final and Supreme authority of the US, SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND
  4. 11. Amendment that states the right to bear arms
  5. 13. Executes or carries out the law
  6. 17. Includes the courts that settle disputes and questions of the law
  7. 19. Legislative, Executive, Judicial
  8. 21. Amendment that states the right to a fair trial and no double jeopardy
  9. 22. Based on John Locke, basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled
  1. 1. system in which each branch of government checks or limits other branches so no one branch gets too much power
  2. 2. Amendment that states that we do not have to quarter soldiers
  3. 3. England's lawmaking body
  4. 5. Amendment that states the right to free speech, religion, press, assemble, and petition
  5. 7. Amendment that states that searches and seizures cannot be conducted without a warrant
  6. 8. The sharing of power between the national and state government
  7. 10. Amendment that states that we have rights not listed in the Constitution
  8. 12. Amendment that states that someone can only be taken to court over a value that exceeds twenty dollars
  9. 14. Amendment that disallows cruel and unusual punishments
  10. 15. Lawmaking branch of government
  11. 16. Amendment that states that any power not stated in the Constitution is a reserved power
  12. 18. Amendment that states the right to a speedy and public trial
  13. 20. Movement that promoted the idea that knowledge, reason, and science would improve society