Constitution and Federalism - Gorman

  1. 2. federal gov't give money/grants to states
  2. 9. the entire set of interactions among national, state and local governments
  3. 11. clause in article IV, requires each state to recognize the public acts, records and judicial proceedings of all other states (ex driver's license)
  4. 13. transferring responsibilities for policies from the federal gov't to state and local gov'ts
  5. 14. organizing a nation into two or more levels of gov't, they share formal authority, but they don't have the same jobs
  6. 15. type of government most nations have where the central gov't holds supreme power
  7. 16. case where federal Gun-Free School Zone Act of 1990 forbade possession of firearms in public schools, exceeded Congress' Constitutional authority to regulate commerce
  8. 18. weak government. power in the country's components, meaning the states are friends basically
  1. 1. court case where the federal government made the second bank of america in maryland, the state taxed bank $15,000 a year, the bank didn't pay, the cashier McCulloch was sued, the state said the US had no right to make te second bank, SC ruled that the national gov't has supremacy over states and implied powers to do so
  2. 3. national and state governments share powers and policy assignments. todays US form
  3. 4. "state immunity," federal courts can't hear a case where a private party accuses a state officer when what is at issue are basic constitutional rights
  4. 5. states and national gov't remain supreme within their own spheres, each with different powers and policy responsibilities. initial US form
  5. 6. powers listed in the constitution
  6. 7. clause in Article VI that makes the Constitution, national laws, and treaties supreme over state laws as long as the national gov't is acting within its constitutional rights
  7. 8. powers federal gov't has that was not stated in the constitution as long as it is consistent within the constitution
  8. 10. when states surrenders a person charged with a crime to the state where the crime was alleged to take place
  9. 12. states "powers not delegated to the US by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectfully or to the people"
  10. 17. power given to congress for movement of commercial activity