- 3. Form of money for each country
- 6. Changes to a Constitution
- 8. National laws are the ______ law of the land.
- 10. Congress couldn't pay off it's this without taxing.
- 12. Place where the Constitutional Convention was held
- 13. Branch that creates the laws
- 15. Delegate from New York that wanted a strong national government
- 16. Plan that larger states supported
- 17. This solved the debate between large and small states
- 1. Branch that enforces the laws
- 2. These articles were passed as the first form of government for the United States
- 4. President of the Convention
- 5. Branch that interprets the laws
- 7. Father of the Constitution
- 9. Leader of the rebellion against Massachusetts
- 11. Plan that smaller states supported
- 14. The 3/5ths Compromise dealt with this issue