Constitution Era

  1. 3. Form of money for each country
  2. 6. Changes to a Constitution
  3. 8. National laws are the ______ law of the land.
  4. 10. Congress couldn't pay off it's this without taxing.
  5. 12. Place where the Constitutional Convention was held
  6. 13. Branch that creates the laws
  7. 15. Delegate from New York that wanted a strong national government
  8. 16. Plan that larger states supported
  9. 17. This solved the debate between large and small states
  1. 1. Branch that enforces the laws
  2. 2. These articles were passed as the first form of government for the United States
  3. 4. President of the Convention
  4. 5. Branch that interprets the laws
  5. 7. Father of the Constitution
  6. 9. Leader of the rebellion against Massachusetts
  7. 11. Plan that smaller states supported
  8. 14. The 3/5ths Compromise dealt with this issue