Constitutional Convention

  1. 4. Can't all of us states stay equal?
  2. 7. Those who crafted and shaped the new government
  3. 9. Number of states attending
  4. 11. the leaders and decision-makers of a society
  5. 12. a formal agreement between nations
  6. 15. amount of slaves counted for representation
  7. 16. ...of Confederation government to be revised
  8. 17. branch of gov't concerned with courts and justice
  9. 18. how voting representatives a state will get in Congress
  10. 19. What the states were asked to do with the Constitution
  11. 20. Maryland children playing on the beaches of this ocean
  12. 21. people who formally elect the president of the United States
  1. 1. both sides give up something to reach a settlement
  2. 2. President of the convention
  3. 3. the "chief executive" - leader of the executive branch
  4. 5. number of branches in the US government
  5. 6. sent to the convention, representing states
  6. 8. Gave lots of votes to the big population states
  7. 10. number of states rejecting the Constitution
  8. 13. Place of meeting, preceding Philadelphia
  9. 14. Finally banned, 20 years after