- 4. Plane Used in WW1
- 6. Island United States Bombed
- 12. Bombs Bombs Capable of Incredible Damage
- 15. Ending WW1
- 17. 2nd Island United States Bombed
- 18. Money Becomes Less Valuable
- 19. Armored Vehicle Used By British
- 20. Lázaro Cárdenas, chosen to be president in 1934, brought peasants’ and workers’ organizations into the party, and renamed it the Mexican Revolutionary Party (PRM), and removed the generals from government positions
- 21. Water Vehivle Used By Germans
- 23. Cause of communist Russia
- 24. Terrosrist Attack At Olympics
- 25. Founder of Soviet Russia
- 26. Leader of Mexican Revolution
- 28. was a forum where all the pressure groups and vested interests – labor, peasants, businessmen, landowners, the military, and others – worked out compromises
- 29. After Mao’s death Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping stabilize China
- 30. Russia In 1900
- 1. Island Japan Bombed
- 2. Gaining Freedom From Spain
- 3. Heir to the Austria-Hungary throne
- 5. Gas Bombs Used In trnches
- 7. Came to Power in Italy in 1922
- 8. United States Prsident During WW2
- 10. Corrective Labor Camps
- 11. St Petersburg Ran Out Of Food
- 13. Hitlers Abuse of Power towards Jews
- 14. Rivalry Between United States And UUSR
- 16. Cause of WW2 and Holocaust
- 22. Leader of Mexican Revolution On Spain side
- 27. Bombs Cause of US Japan Attacks