Continental Drift and Seafloor Spreading

  1. 2. a type of plate boundary where two plates are moving away from each other, and new crust is produced. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example.
  2. 8. hypothesis proposed by Alfred Wegener that says that continents were once attached as a single continent Pangea and have since moved apart
  3. 9. solid layer of the earth made of iron and nickel.
  4. 10. evidence for seafloor spreading that shows symmetrical patterns of normal magnetic signatures, and reversed magnetic signatures to either side of the mid-ocean ridge.
  5. 12. this region of the earth includes the crust and the uppermost, rigid mantle. AKA the "plates" of plate tectonics.
  6. 13. the outermost layer of earth. There are two types, continental and oceanic.
  1. 1. hypothesis proposed by Harry Hess that describes the production of new crust (and the formation of ocean basins) along divergent boundaries called mid-ocean ridges.
  2. 3. type of boundary where two plates slide past one another without converging or diverging. The San Andreas Fault is an example.
  3. 4. a type of plate boundary where to plates are moving towards each other. Crust is recycled back into the mantle, or crumpled
  4. 5. device used to measure magnetic signatures in rocks
  5. 6. plastic-like layer of the upper mantle on top of which the lithospheric plates move
  6. 7. liquid layer of the earth made of iron and nickel - generates earth's magnetic field.
  7. 11. largest layer of earth and region where convection occurs