Continental Drift & Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Earth's crust is broken up into pieces called _________.
  2. 4. preserved remains or traces of organisms that lived in the past
  3. 6. appears to be a large crack along the land with a river running through it
  4. 7. large flat area of land
  5. 10. Plate boundary that is created when two plates slide past each other
  6. 14. high points of land with a flat top
  7. 15. This theory believes that the continents only move because they are on top of the plates that are actually moving
  8. 16. caused by divergent plate boundary when they separate from each other on land
  9. 17. drift a) the continents used to be together/connnected (Pangea)b) the continents are moving and are still moving from old locations to new locations
  10. 19. caused by divergent plate boundary when they separate from each other in the ocean
  1. 1. low point between two mountains
  2. 3. caused by a convergent plate boundary when they collide
  3. 5. made of compressed tropical plants
  4. 6. Plate boundary that is created when two plates collide
  5. 8. Plate boundary _____________ causes landforms and events to occur.
  6. 9. cracks where one plate touches another plate
  7. 11. Plate boundary that is created when two plates divide/separate
  8. 12. caused by transform plate boundary when they slide past each other
  9. 13. height of land above or below sea level
  10. 18. deep points below the ocean along the sea floor