Continental Drift, Plate Tectonics, and Pangea

  1. 2. Creates after plate tectonics collide together and spews lava
  2. 3. Big chunks of ice that can explain Pangea. 290 million year old glacial groves were found in India, Africa, Australia, and South America.
  3. 5. A theory that The world was a super continent, and that the continents we know now once spread apart
  4. 7. When Plate Tectonics slide past each other.
  5. 8. A super continent in the southern hemisphere.
  6. 11. A super continent in the northern hemisphere.
  7. 12. A theory proven by scientists that implies there once was a super continent
  8. 13. Captain who used an echo sounder to search the ocean floor
  1. 1. Most obvious pieces of evidence for the theory Continental Drift.
  2. 4. Cycle at which the crust moves and separates.
  3. 6. The scientists who created the Pangea theory
  4. 9. Under water ridge located in the mid Atlantic
  5. 10. Pieces of the earth;'s crust that move slowly