Continents and Oceans

  1. 2. one of the large areas of water around the world
  2. 3. the ocean that is east of Asia
  3. 5. one half of the world
  4. 6. a world map that is round to show the shape of the Earth
  5. 9. the imaginary horizontal line around the middle of the Earth
  6. 10. the continent that south of Europe
  7. 11. the part of the map that shows distance on a map
  8. 14. the ocean that is between Africa and North America
  9. 15. the ocean that is surrounded by Africa, Asia, and Australia
  10. 16. the largest continent
  11. 17. the continent where we live
  12. 18. one of the large areas of land around the world
  1. 1. the continent that is also one country
  2. 3. an imaginary vertical line around the middle of the Earth
  3. 4. the continent that is south of North America
  4. 7. the continent that is west of Asia
  5. 8. the continent that is surrounded by the Southern Ocean
  6. 11. one of the smaller areas of water around the world
  7. 12. the ocean that is the farthest north
  8. 13. a symbol that shows the directions on a map