control of respiration

  1. 1. ... air contains more carbon dioxide than atmospheric air.
  2. 4. ... centers that control respiratory rhythm and depth.
  3. 6. the respiratory system in healthy individuals has ... mechanisms.
  4. 7. increased body ... also causes an increase in the rate of breathing.
  5. 8. a low blood pH could also result from ... activities independent of breathing.
  6. 11. respiratory pattern is called ... .
  7. 18. ... can dramatically change the amount of carbonic acid in the blood.
  8. 19. impulses from the expiratory neurons stop the stimulation of the ... and external intercostal muscles.
  9. 20. ... acid increases dramatically during hypoventilation.
  10. 21. the medula contains two ... centers.
  11. 23. breathing control centers are ... centers and medula centers.
  12. 24. during singing and ... breath control is extremely important.
  13. 25. changes in oxygen concentration in the blood are detected by ... chemoreceptor region in the aorta.
  14. 27. hyperventilation is an increase in the ... and depth of breathing.
  15. 28. after ... exercise expiration becomes active.
  16. 29. slower ... allows carbon dioxide to accumulate in the blood.
  17. 30. every ... in the body must have oxygen to live.
  1. 2. we breath more vigorously and deeply during ... .
  2. 3. by contrast,when blood starts to become slightly ... or basic,breathing slows and becomes shallow.
  3. 5. ... are able to detect high carbon dioxide levels when oxygen levels are low.
  4. 9. an increase in the carbon dioxide level can cause a decrease ... pH.
  5. 10. the vagus nerves send ... from the stretch receptors to the medula.
  6. 12. we all have ... controlled our breathing pattern at one time or another.
  7. 13. hyperventilation often brought on by ... attacks.
  8. 14. the ventral respiratory group (VRG) contains both ... and expiratory neurons.
  9. 15. if breathing stops for an extended time ,... may occur as a result of insufficient oxygen in the blood.
  10. 16. ... factors is the most important factors that can modify respiratory rate and depth.
  11. 17. the ... and alveoli have stretch receptors that respond to extreme overinflation.
  12. 22. the hyperventilating person may get ... and faint because the resulting alkalosis.
  13. 26. ... factors also modify the rate and depth of breathing.