Convection, Plates, and Plate Movement

  1. 1. this is a large circular opening near a volcano
  2. 2. this is the plate boundary that has plates moving away from one another
  3. 3. this type of plate boundary created the San Andreas Fault
  4. 7. this type of plate boundary can have uplift or subductions
  5. 10. these seismic movements occur at all plate boundaries
  6. 13. these valleys are made when one plate subducts under another plate
  7. 15. this state is on a transform boundary and has the San Andreas Fault
  8. 17. these are created at divergent boundaries in the middle of an ocean
  9. 18. this continent is known for a major rift valley
  1. 1. this is the country that India is crashing into
  2. 4. this layer of Earth is where convection occurs
  3. 5. this is the highest peak in the Himalayan Mountains
  4. 6. the area of volcanoes and trenches surrounding the Pacific Ocean
  5. 8. this layer of Earth is made up of tectonic plates
  6. 9. this vocab. term describes how closely particles are packed
  7. 11. these are formed at convergent uplift boundaries
  8. 12. this type of crust/plate is less dense and thicker
  9. 14. this ocean is surrounded by the Ring of Fire
  10. 16. this type of crust/plate in more dense and thin