
  1. 3. increasing this allows the belt to have more power
  2. 5. used to increase friction between the belt and pulley, can be sprayed, vulcanized or attached by plates
  3. 7. carries the load and protects belt from abrasion, wear, corrosion and deterioration
  4. 11. idlers that are placed under the loading zone to prevent belt damage
  5. 13. used to transmit power to the belt
  6. 14. a device that allows the discharge of material from either selected points or any point along the way of the length of the conveyor
  7. 15. rubber devices used to keep material from falling off sides of belt at loading zone
  8. 17. mesh like or grate like device to filter out different sized materials allowing finer material to flow through first and act as a cushion for larger materials
  9. 18. requires a motor for each of the two drive pulleys
  10. 21. the portion of the belt that provides strength and tension
  11. 22. a method used to removed tramp iron from material being conveyed
  12. 24. never to be used as the head pulley but allows the belt to be centered on the pulley
  13. 26. is a one-piece casting of malleable iron comprising both barrel and side bars, H class is similar but of a heavier construction
  14. 27. allows belt to carry loads of finer material
  15. 28. used with chain conveyors and correct selection is essential for a smooth and trouble-free operation
  16. 29. used to increase the arc of contact
  1. 1. conveyors that are commonly used when material must be conveyed from more than one central location for lighter less dense materials
  2. 2. has its flights formed to look like trays or pans to form a deep bed, used for large amounts of heavy or hot materials
  3. 4. idlers used to trough or flatten out a troughed belt conveyor
  4. 6. the best method to patch a belt
  5. 8. uses a snub sprocket to allow buckets to be completely inverted
  6. 9. a piece of equipment used to move material from one location to another
  7. 10. can be a variety of designs and pitches depending on the material to be conveyed
  8. 12. joining method for belt that are made by overlapping the ends of the belt over each other for at least one belt width, then fastening with elevator bolts
  9. 16. a conveyor that uses a motor, springs and a pan to convey material
  10. 19. has same pitch as the screw dimension
  11. 20. manual take up located at the tail pulley
  12. 23. used in chain conveyors when a long and heavily loaded system are required
  13. 25. also known as rollers used in belt conveyors or even on their own in some conveyors
  14. 27. pulley that uses gravity to keep belt taut