Cooking Terms

  1. 2. grind or mash cooked fruits or vegetables until they are smooth
  2. 3. cover a food with a thing layer of another food
  3. 5. coat food heavily with flour, breadcrumbs, or cornmeal
  4. 7. boil a mixture in order to evaporate the liquid and intensify the flavor
  5. 10. mix light and fluffy mixture into a heavy one
  6. 12. divide a food into four equal pieces
  7. 15. add flavor to a food by soaking it in a cold seasoned liquid
  8. 16. cut food into small pieces with kitchen shears
  9. 19. shape a food by hand or by placing it in a decorative mold
  10. 20. beat quickly and vigorously to incorporate air into the mixture
  11. 21. mix thoroughly and add air to foods
  12. 22. to lightly sprinkle a food with flour or confectioners' sugar
  13. 23. coat a food with a liquid that forms a glossy finish
  14. 24. dip a food briefly in boiling water and then in cold water to stop the cooking process
  15. 26. to coat a food with flour
  1. 1. to leave an opening in a container so steam can escape during cooking
  2. 3. beat ingredients by combining until soft and creamy
  3. 4. loosen the flavorful food particles in a pan after food has been browned
  4. 6. coat food with three different layers
  5. 8. heat sugar until it liquefies and darkens in color
  6. 9. remove the center of a fruit
  7. 11. mix with a spoon or wire whisk in a circular motion
  8. 13. mix ingredients by tumbling them with tongs
  9. 14. to cook a food in a sugar syrup
  10. 17. remove a stone or seed from fruit using a sharp knife
  11. 18. to put small pieces of food on the surface of another food
  12. 21. pour liquid over a food as it cooks, using a spoon
  13. 22. separate water from solid food by putting the food in a strainer
  14. 24. use a pastry brush to coat a food with a liquid
  15. 25. make a liquid clear by removing solid particles