cooking terms

  1. 8. mix thoroughly and add air to foods
  2. 9. coat a food with flour
  3. 10. cut food into large thin pieces with slicing knife
  4. 12. remove the center of a fruit
  5. 13. cut off very thin layer of peel with paring knife
  6. 14. cut food into irregular pieces
  7. 15. cook food in a sugar syrup
  8. 16. use pastry brush to coat a food with a liquid
  9. 17. beat quickly to incorporate air into a mixture
  10. 18. loosen that flavorful food particles in a pan after the food has been browned
  11. 19. place light mixture on top of a heavier one, cut down through the mixture and move the tool across the bowl and to the side
  12. 21. mix with utensil in a circular motion
  13. 22. pour liquid over a food as it cooks
  14. 23. coat food heavily with flour, breadcrumbs, or cornmeal
  15. 25. combining 2 or more ingredients
  16. 26. mix by tumbling ingredients
  17. 27. beat ingredients combining until soft and creamy
  1. 1. and dice cutting food into small square pieces
  2. 2. coat food with liquid that forms a glossy finish
  3. 3. dividing food into smaller pieces
  4. 4. chop finely
  5. 5. dip food briefly in boiling water and then cold water to stop the cooking process
  6. 6. coat food with 3 different layers
  7. 7. subtracting the weight for the container to find the weight of the food alone
  8. 10. make straight shallow cuts with a slicing knife
  9. 11. to make a liquid clear by removing solid particles
  10. 14. cover food with a thin layer of another
  11. 15. heat sugar until it liquifies and darkens in color
  12. 18. put small pieces of food on the surface of another
  13. 20. separate water from solid food by putting the food in a colander or strainer
  14. 24. lightly sprinkle a food with flour or confectioners’ sugar