Cooking verbs 2

  1. 2. leave ingredients in water so they become soft
  2. 3. boil slowly
  3. 6. synonym of clean
  4. 8. cover a surface with a product
  5. 11. make liquid pass from a container to another container
  6. 12. weigh the ingrediets before adding them
  7. 13. cut in thin layers
  1. 1. cook bread or cakes in a oven
  2. 3. remove water from an ingredient by using a sieve
  3. 4. put something in a container to give it the same shape
  4. 5. cut into pieces
  5. 7. shake small drops of ingredients on something
  6. 9. cook meat in an oven
  7. 10. cook in oil
  8. 11. remove the skin off something
  9. 12. make an ingrediet become liquid as a result of heating