Cool Earth Crossword

  1. 3. The United States constitutes 5% of the world population and contributes to 22% of the world’s _____ emission.
  2. 7. Snow cover is _____.
  3. 8. The global _____ on an average has increased by 0.6 to 1 degree Celsius till the 20th century.
  4. 10. _____ fuels account for over 75 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions.
  5. 12. The ocean is getting _____.
  6. 14. Sea level is _____.
  7. 15. Land use change and deforestation contribute to 15% of carbon emission every _____.
  8. 17. NASA also found that 2010-2019 was the hottest _____ ever recorded.
  9. 18. Arctic sea ice is _____.
  10. 19. Global temperature is _____.
  11. 20. What two things are fossil fuels burned for the most? Electricity and _____
  1. 1. The number of climate change-related _____ has increased fourfold between 1980 and 2010.
  2. 2. The _____ of more intense hurricanes ranked as categories 4 and 5 has increased over the last 30 years.
  3. 4. The _____ years have been experienced from 1990 till 1997. The warmest years have been since 2005.
  4. 5. _____ like cars and trucks contribute to 20% of carbon emissions in the United States.
  5. 6. Climate change enhances the spread of pests that causes life-threatening _____ like dengue, malaria, Lyme disease etc.
  6. 7. Around 15% of the carbon released in the environment is due to _____ and change in the use of land.
  7. 9. _____, droughts and coral deaths are a few of the natural disasters caused due to climate change.
  8. 11. The ice sheets are _____.
  9. 13. Extreme events are _____ in frequency.
  10. 16. The _____ Toad is the first species to go extinct due to climate change.
  11. 17. _____ today to save your child tomorrow.