Coping Skills

  1. 2. Conscious effort to shift attention from negative to positive aspects (17 letters)
  2. 4. Deep breathing technique to reduce stress (9 letters)
  3. 7. Technique to manage stress by breaking tasks into smaller, manageable parts (8 letters)
  4. 8. Practice of setting aside specific time for relaxation and self-care (6 letters)
  5. 10. Practice of practicing gratitude and appreciation (12 letters)
  6. 11. Seeking support and comfort from others (7 letters)
  7. 13. Practice of identifying and challenging negative thoughts (25 letters)
  8. 15. Strategy to manage stress by prioritizing tasks (12 letters)
  9. 16. Activity that promotes relaxation and calmness (10 letters)
  10. 17. Act of engaging in pleasurable activities to boost mood (8 letters)
  11. 18. Technique involving relaxing ones muscles using a two step process (27 letters)
  12. 20. Skill of recognizing and regulating one's emotions (19 letters)
  1. 1. Practice of expressing oneself through art (17 letters)
  2. 3. Technique of using imagery to create a calm mental state (13 letters)
  3. 5. Technique involving focusing on the present moment (8 letters)
  4. 6. A mental technique to redirect negative thoughts (9 letters)
  5. 9. Engaging in physical activity to manage emotions (8 letters)
  6. 12. Technique to manage stress by organizing and decluttering (14 letters)
  7. 14. Writing down thoughts and emotions as a form of release (10 letters)
  8. 19. Method of using humor to cope with challenges (8 letters)