Coping Skills

  1. 3. laugh out loud
  2. 9. you do this in a pool
  3. 10. get outside and enjoy this
  4. 12. write in your
  5. 13. another word for being thankful
  6. 14. you do this at the gym
  7. 15. binge watch
  8. 16. read books for free
  9. 17. call them when you need support
  10. 19. the getty museum has this
  1. 1. one way to get food
  2. 2. the melody of life
  3. 4. you do this without thinking
  4. 5. move to the music
  5. 6. snuggle with a pet and
  6. 7. you call a friend for this
  7. 8. a website with a lot of cute kittens to watch
  8. 9. teens need more of this than adults
  9. 11. tony hawk
  10. 18. you do this with a book