Coral Reefs

  1. 2. The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.
  2. 3. When something turns white.
  3. 7. Also known as the shore zone or inner reef, this area of the reef is close to the shoreline where the water is shallow.
  4. 9. A reef that is usually formed on the rim of an extinct volcano; a ring or part of a ring of coral surrounding a lagoon.
  5. 10. Tiny, simple sea animal with a tube shaped body and a mouth ringed with tentacles at the top. They create coral reefs.
  6. 12. a close relationship between two different types of organisms or living things wherein they help one another.
  7. 14. An animal's natural colour or shape that helps it hide from other animals and blend in with it's surroundings.
  8. 16. Tiny, marine creatures including single celled animals, little crustaceans and very young animals.
  9. 17. Simple plants without stems or leaves that grow in or near water.
  10. 18. The imaginary line around the Earth that is halfway between the North and South Poles.
  1. 1. Tiny, single celled plants growing near the ocean's surface.
  2. 4. Also known as the fore reef zone or outer reef, this area of the reef is farthest away from the shoreline, where the water is deeper than in the other zones.
  3. 5. A reef that grows very close to the shoreline and in some cases can be attached to land.
  4. 6. A shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by a narrow landform, such as reefs, barrier islands, or barrier peninsulas.
  5. 8. Harmful matter that make water, soil or air dirty or damaged, such as litter, oil and chemicals.
  6. 11. A community in nature including all living and non living parts.
  7. 12. A group of related living beings.
  8. 13. Scientists who study the oceans and what lives in them.
  9. 14. This area of the reef is farther off the shoreline and is where the water is most shallow as the reef is formed higher in a crest or hill shape.
  10. 15. A reef that grows farther away from the shoreline and is separated from the shoreline by a channel.