Coral Reefs

  1. 2. About 25% of the ocean's fish depend on a ---- reef
  2. 4. what kind of sunlight does a reef require?
  3. 6. extraordinary ---- of organisms live in these habitats
  4. 9. deep-sea coral reefs can survive in colder and deeper climates because they lack-----
  5. 11. named for the coral animals whose hard calcium skeletons make up their primary structure
  6. 12. Over half a billion of people rely on these reefs for food
  7. 14. the coral that builds reefs also use the help of -----
  1. 1. fish ---- and rear their children in the nooks and crannies of coral
  2. 3. Fish and other organisms use coral reefs as?
  3. 4. fishing, diving, and ----- add millions of dollars to local businesses
  4. 5. The algae provides coral ----
  5. 7. Coral animals grow only in warm, shallow, coastal oceans
  6. 8. Coral animals are tiny relatives of ----
  7. 10. Coral reefs protect coastlines things like storms and?
  8. 13. coral animals use tentacles to capture and eat their food