- 3. blunt and unfriendly or stern
- 5. put down, place, or press the foot
- 8. extremely evil or cruel
- 10. grope, scratch, or feel searchingly
- 11. extremely wicked
- 12. rise up as in fear
- 14. having or showing arrogant superiority
- 15. introduce or insert in a subtle manner
- 17. thin and weak
- 19. displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses
- 22. a certain degree of unwillingness
- 25. a shelf that projects from a wall above a fireplace
- 27. forward projecting part of the head of certain animals
- 28. a large entrance or reception area
- 29. check the growth or development of
- 30. a deep ditch cut by running water
- 1. humorous or satirical mimicry
- 2. move in a twisting or contorted motion
- 4. showing courteous regard for people's feelings
- 6. turn aside; turn away from
- 7. a certain degree of unwillingness
- 9. excessively agitated
- 13. moving quickly and lightly
- 16. move about or proceed hurriedly
- 18. a collection of things for public display
- 20. a detail that is considered insignificant
- 21. textual matter that is appended to the end of a publication
- 23. make light, rapid and repeated sounds
- 24. with strained or eager attention
- 26. characterized by soft sounds