core concepts of technology pt 2

  1. 3. the desired elements and features of product or system.
  2. 7. technology if using small amounts of electricity
  3. 9. advantage or profit gained from something.
  4. 11. application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world
  5. 12. application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes
  6. 14. a self-contained system within a larger system.
  7. 15. abstract science of number, quantity, and space
  8. 16. technology of using adapting and altering organisms and biological processes.
  9. 17. technology of producing, storing, controlling, transmitting and getting work from heat energy.
  10. 18. loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen
  11. 19. coding system using the binary digits 0 and 1 to represent a message
  1. 1. hemispherical thin-shell structure
  2. 2. thinking how systems work over time and within the context of larger systems
  3. 4. when one or more things depend on each other
  4. 5. technology of putting together mechanical parts to produce, control, and transmit motion.
  5. 6. limitations on a design.
  6. 8. information, tools or devices that motivate students and give information or assistance with questions
  7. 10. technology using fluid either gas or liquid to apply force or to transport
  8. 13. set of things working together as parts of a mechanism