Core Math Crossword Puzzle

  1. 7. Cofactor expansion is also known as _______ expansion
  2. 10. A ________ matrix is a square matrix whose non diagonal entries are all zeros
  3. 12. ________ and Feebas’ story taught us that “one must take risks in love”
  4. 13. A(BC) = (AB)C
  5. 14. Like oscillations, ________ motion has damped and undamped DEs
  6. 18. The _____ Theorem states that an n x n real matrix is symmetric if and only if it is orthogonally diagonalizable
  7. 19. Describes a function that is injective AND surjective
  8. 20. As Prof. Su often says, “You can’t ____ me from…”
  9. 22. A fancier way of saying “onto”
  10. 25. A linear transformation that is both one-to-one and onto
  11. 28. “Are you kidding, does this really ____?” - Prof. Jakes
  12. 31. A center is a ______ equilibrium point
  13. 32. The set of all vectors that are orthogonal to a subspace is the orthogonal __________ of that subspace
  14. 33. Where all of our Core math courses took place
  15. 34. The type of problem that contains a DE and a boundary condition
  16. 36. The _________ multiplicity of an eigenvalue is the dimension of its corresponding eigenspace
  17. 39. In Math 19, we learned about single variable and multi variable ________
  18. 42. According to Prof. Jakes, ________ functions are the “peas and carrots” of DEs
  19. 43. The ___-Schwarz Inequality is |u・v| ≤ ||u|| ||v||
  20. 44. In __________ ODEs, the independent variable does not appear explicitly
  21. 45. An online space where we asked questions and collaborated with each other (in Math 19 & Math 82)
  22. 48. The type of phase portrait that we obtain when the eigenvalues have real AND imaginary components
  23. 50. The ______________ polynomial is a polynomial in λ obtained when expanding det(A − λI)
  24. 53. Every higher order DE can be written as a ______ of first-order DEs
  25. 55. Two vectors are __________ to each other if their dot product equals zero
  26. 56. The first type of proof that we learned how to write (in Core math)
  27. 67. The ____ of a set of matrices is the set of all linear combinations of the matrices
  28. 68. We use this website to submit our homework
  29. 70. An ___________ set is an orthogonal set of unit vectors
  30. 72. The last name of the other very important Darryl in Math 82
  31. 73. Wolfram ___________ is a useful computational tool in Math 82
  32. 75. “The child of a theorem”
  33. 76. The ____ functions “even have their own Wikipedia page” - Prof. Yong & Prof. Jakes
  34. 77. A quantity that has both magnitude and direction
  35. 78. The ______ form of a first-order, linear ODE is y’(x) + p(x)y(x) = q(x)
  36. 83. The type of phase portrait that we obtain when the eigenvalues only have imaginary components
  37. 84. “Math 73, _______ to see”
  38. 85. A ________ is closed under addition and scalar multiplication
  39. 87. An n x n matrix A is _______ to an n x n matrix B if there is an invertible n x n matrix P such that P⁻¹AP = B
  40. 90. The number of problem sets that we had in Math 82
  41. 91. _____’s Method is a numerical tool that we used to approximate solutions to DEs
  42. 92. The highest rank that we reached in Prof Yong’s Spelling Bee game
  43. 93. We can solve a non-separable, first-order, linear ODE using the ___________ factor method
  44. 95. The sum of the entries on the main diagonal of a matrix
  45. 97. The type of phase portrait that we obtain when both eigenvalues are real and have the same sign
  46. 99. In ___ ODEs, the dependent variable and its derivatives only occur linearly
  47. 102. “______ is a rebellious lover.”
  48. 103. Prof. Jakes’ way of asking if something makes sense is saying this word twice
  49. 104. Everyone’s least favorite problem from (Math 82) Homework 4 was the _________ problem
  50. 107. The Greek letter that we use to denote the fundamental matrix
  51. 108. An unforced DE is also called a ___________ DE
  52. 110. The highest number of derivatives that appears in an ODE
  53. 113. y₁y₂’ − y₂y₁’
  54. 115. The professors that taught Math 82 during the summer of 2021 were Prof ____ and Prof Jakes
  55. 116. We call two matrices row __________ if and only if they can be reduced to the same row echelon form
  56. 119. The instrument that Prof. Zinn-Brooks played in the Math 73 Music Video
  57. 120. This type of ODE has a non-zero term that either depends only on the independent variable or is a non-zero constant
  58. 122. Prof. Yong played us an adorable video of this animal at the end of each break
  59. 125. A saddle is an ________ equilibrium point
  60. 127. An undamped oscillator is an example of a ____________ system
  61. 128. The ____ space is the subspace that contains solutions of the homogeneous linear system Ax = 0
  62. 129. An n x n matrix A is ______________ if there is a diagonal matrix D such that A is similar to D
  63. 130. When x₀ is singular, we use the _________ method
  64. 131. The Greek letter that we use for eigenvalues and in the characteristic polynomial/equation
  65. 132. The Greek letter that we use for writing long sums
  66. 133. A square matrix is __________ if and only if its determinant does not equal 0
  67. 134. An ____________ system of linear equations has no solution
  1. 1. In this type of iteration, xₙ is an approximate solution to the DE
  2. 2. The _______-Grobman Theorem tells us when linearization is faithful
  3. 3. An online tool for graphing (useful for plotting level curves!)
  4. 4. This type of circuit is mathematically similar to the mass-spring system with damping
  5. 5. Math 19, Math 73, and Math 82 are collectively known as ____ math
  6. 6. Prof. Yong’s garage door is an example of a ______ oscillator
  7. 8. A technique that we use to solve nonlinear systems
  8. 9. The number of vectors in a basis for a subspace
  9. 11. ________ functions are infinitely differentiable
  10. 12. Matrix ______________ is not commutable
  11. 15. The Math 73 Music Video was a parody of “_____ the Sea” from The Little Mermaid
  12. 16. x − x³/3! + x⁵/5! − ...
  13. 17. A Greek letter that is commonly used with trig and polar coordinates
  14. 21. The type of problem that contains a DE and an initial condition
  15. 23. In addition to being important in calculus, the ______ series are useful for solving DEs (especially when using the power series method)
  16. 24. As Prof. Orrison often says, “Change of ___________ is very important in math”
  17. 26. The password for Prof. Jakes’ (Math 82) Zoom meeting
  18. 27. The corollary of ____’s Theorem says that the Wronskian of two solutions to a DE are either always zero or never zero
  19. 29. An ________ point is the opposite of a singular point
  20. 30. We can use elementary row operations to reduce a matrix into row _______ form
  21. 35. We find the __________ by setting x’ OR y’ equal to 0
  22. 37. 1 − x²/2! + x⁴/4! − ...
  23. 38. The _________ multiplicity of an eigenvalue is its multiplicity as a root of the characteristic equation
  24. 40. The Gram-____ Process is an algorithm that we use to construct an orthogonal basis of a subspace of Rⁿ
  25. 41. We can use ________ expansion to compute the determinant of 3 x 3 matrices
  26. 46. Used in Math 82 to describe a collection of phase portraits (although more commonly used to refer to the study of animals)
  27. 47. A _____ for a subspace is a set of vectors that spans the subspace and is linearly independent
  28. 49. The solution to a forced DE consists of a homogeneous solution and a __________ solution
  29. 51. A vector space that has no finite basis is _____-dimensional
  30. 52. To find the _________ of a matrix, we interchange the rows and columns of the matrix
  31. 54. We use the characteristic polynomial/equation to find the ___________ of a matrix
  32. 57. A matrix of first-order partial derivatives that is often used for the linearization of nonlinear DEs
  33. 58. We learned about this type of polynomial of degree N while exploring power series
  34. 59. The ___________ matrix has columns that are linearly independent solutions of x’ = Ax
  35. 60. The _________ numbers are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, …
  36. 61. A square matrix is _________ if it equals its own transpose
  37. 62. The last name of the author who wrote our Math 73 textbook
  38. 63. Another name for eᴬᵗ
  39. 64. Prof. Jakes always showed us a “ ___ of the day” after break
  40. 65. “Very ______” - Prof. Karp
  41. 66. Our best guess to the solution of a DE (what we substitute into the DE to solve it)
  42. 67. When the determinant of A is negative, we’re in “______ city!”
  43. 69. We use the separation of variables method to solve first-order, _________ ODEs
  44. 71. An acronym for the type of differential equations that we focused on in Math 82
  45. 74. Our homework can either be handwritten or typed in _____
  46. 79. The ________ Inequality is ||u + v|| ≤ ||u|| + ||v||
  47. 80. A __________ system of linear equations has at least one solution
  48. 81. For a 2 x 2 matrix, we know this as “ad − bc”
  49. 82. The dimension of a matrix’s null space
  50. 86. An acronym for the epidemic model that we explored further in Math 82 (and were introduced to in Bio 52)
  51. 88. When we solve a DE using power series, we find a _________ relation for the coefficients of a solution to the DE
  52. 89. When we had questions in Math 73, we could post them on ______
  53. 94. The second step in the mathematical modeling process (based on Prof. Yong’s diagram)
  54. 96. The broken furnace problem in (Math 82) Homework 6 relies on ______’s Law of Cooling
  55. 98. The D in DE stands for ____________
  56. 100. When using the Undetermined ___________ method to solve a forced, linear, constant-coefficient DE, we start by guessing a particular solution to the DE
  57. 101. A square matrix is invertible if and only if ____ is not one of its eigenvalues
  58. 103. The 2x2 zoology of phase portraits reminded us of the _____ emoji
  59. 105. We find the ___________ points by setting x’ AND y’ equal to 0
  60. 106. A solution set is ___________ if its two solutions are linearly independent
  61. 109. A quantity that only has magnitude (no direction)
  62. 111. The dimension of a matrix’s row and column spaces
  63. 112. An n x n matrix A is diagonalizable if and only if A has n linearly ___________ eigenvectors
  64. 114. The maximal interval over which a solution to a DE exists and satisfies the DE is the domain of _________
  65. 117. The final step in the mathematical modeling process (based on Prof. Yong’s diagram)
  66. 118. Statements that have been proven to be true (we reference these in the proofs that we write)
  67. 121. We can use the _________ of parameters method to solve second-order, linear, forced ODEs
  68. 123. The third step in the mathematical modeling process (based on Prof. Yong’s diagram)
  69. 124. Everyone’s favorite type of proof from Math 19 is the _______-delta proof
  70. 126. Used as a prefix for “space”, “vector”, and “value”