Core Technologies, Simple Machines, Mechanical Advantage, Electricity

  1. 2. Voltage = Current X Resistance (V=IxR)
  2. 5. This piece of electrical equipment holds back, or slows down, the flow of electricity.
  3. 7. The technology of producing, storing, controlling, transmitting and getting work from heat.
  4. 9. This prevents electricity from passing through it.
  5. 12. The technology of putting together mechanical parts to produce, control and transmit motion.
  6. 14. A simple machine that is two inclined planes that make a sharp edge used for cutting and slicing.
  7. 17. A simple machine with a sloped surface.
  8. 20. This is what we get when we use simple machines to make work easier. We have to use math to calculate it.
  9. 22. This allows electricity to pass through it.
  10. 25. This type of circuit is broken and would, therefore, be OFF.
  11. 27. This is the type of drawing produced by electrical engineers when they do not want to actually draw light bulbs, motors, etc.
  12. 28. The technology of using either gas or liquid to apply force or to transport.
  13. 29. A simple machine that has a rope wrapped around a grooved wheel.
  14. 30. In this type of circuit, every light depends on the one beside it. When one goes out, they all go out.
  1. 1. This type of circuit is unbroken and would, therefore, be ON.
  2. 3. The technology of producing, altering and combining materials.
  3. 4. This is the flow of electrons.
  4. 6. The technology of putting parts and materials together to create supports, containers, shelters, connectors and functional shapes.
  5. 8. This is what is made easier by simple machines.
  6. 10. This is a subject that is very helpful to know if you want to be an engineer.
  7. 11. The technology of using, adapting and altering organisms and biological processes for a desired outcome.
  8. 13. This is the path that electricity follows.
  9. 15. A simple machine that has a small rod joining one or two larger circles. The smaller rod spins the larger circles.
  10. 16. The technology of using small amounts of electricity for controlling; detecting; and information collecting, storing, retrieving, and communicating.
  11. 18. This is anything that uses electricity.
  12. 19. The technology of producing, storing, controlling, transmitting and getting work from electrical energy.
  13. 21. A simple machine that is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder or a wheel and axle used to create rotary motion into a linear motion.
  14. 23. The technology of producing light; controlling light; using light for information collection, processing, storage, retrieval and communication; and using light to do work.
  15. 24. In this type of circuit, every light goes back to the battery on its own. When one goes out, the others stay lit.
  16. 26. A simple machine that uses an arm and fulcrum, used to make moving objects easier.