Corey and Eloise

  1. 2. restaurant;also a drink
  2. 7. university
  3. 10. a surprisingly good breakfast
  4. 11. commonly loved condiment
  5. 12. where my two homes met
  6. 15. a special bar
  7. 16. our third date
  8. 17. eloise can scoff these quickly
  9. 18. knightsbridge
  10. 20. the best girlfriend
  11. 21. it was all
  1. 1. our favourite holiday
  2. 3. second best science
  3. 4. quirky drinks;our first date
  4. 5. the happiest time of my life
  5. 6. better than chemistry
  6. 8. a loved fruit
  7. 9. seaside town
  8. 13. corey particularly loves ______
  9. 14. shopping centre
  10. 19. perfect