Corona, Lockdown and 2020

  1. 5. a thing wich protects other from your aerosols
  2. 7. in 2020 it was 1,50 Meters
  3. 8. company that is worth the most at the end of 2020
  4. 11. it kills viruses on your hand
  5. 13. youth word 2020
  6. 14. the birthplace of corona
  1. 1. the first name of the president who was office until 2020
  2. 2. in Lockdown you should stay at...
  3. 3. The last name of the new president
  4. 4. the surname of the richest person in the world 2020
  5. 6. it was canceled in 2020, whether at Easter, in summer or in autumn.
  6. 9. it finds out if you have corona
  7. 10. Corona is a...
  8. 12. most popular boy name 2020