corona virus

  1. 1. another way to say corona virus
  2. 3. person at risk for contagious disease due to exposure of a known case
  3. 5. stands for centers for disease control and prevention
  4. 8. the avoidance of close contact with other people
  5. 10. issued by governors or leaders that residents are not permitted to leave their home
  6. 11. the period between when a person is first exposed to a virus and when they develop symptoms
  7. 13. term being used to describe widespread restrictions on movement,work,and travel
  8. 15. sudden rise in the incidence of a disease
  9. 18. to refrain from any contact with individuals for a period of time
  10. 19. outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area
  1. 2. if a person has a confirmed case of coronavirus they are instructed to practice this
  2. 4. something you wear to protect your mouth and nose
  3. 5. transmissible by direct or indirect contact with an infected person
  4. 6. diagnostic testing for corona virus infection done with a nasal or throat swab
  5. 7. learning online due to school closures
  6. 9. physical or mental feature indicating condition of a disease
  7. 12. spread of a contagious disease within a community
  8. 14. effort to stop the spread of coronavirus
  9. 16. abnormal condition that negatively affects functions of an organism
  10. 17. something given to a healthy person to prevent infection of a disease