corona virus

  1. 1. Does several countries have established travel bans?
  2. 5. When did the corona first sickened people?
  3. 6. Do people know how long the virus will last?
  4. 9. What are symptoms of COVID-19?
  5. 11. The virus is thought to have passed humans.
  6. 12. The virus spreads in a similar way to...or the common cold.
  7. 13. Where did corona start?
  1. 2. one of the best ways to slow the spread of an outbreak is called ................
  2. 3. What are symptoms of COVID-19?
  3. 4. What are symptoms of COVID-19?
  4. 5. in a public place at a 2m ........
  5. 7. ...... ,an animal coronavirus can infect humans.
  6. 8. What are symptoms of COVID-19?
  7. 10. There are many ........ kinds of coronaviruses.