Corona Virus Crossword

  1. 1. Jump, the handling that comes before eating — the killing, skinning and butchering — that is highly risky and can spread disease from animal to human
  2. 4. If a person has returned from travel to a high-risk area or has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for the new coronavirus, the CDC recommends this
  3. 5. acute respiratory syndrome, This viral respiratory coronavirus began in Asia in 2003 and spread to 29 countries
  4. 7. also called coronavirus disease 2019, is the respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2
  5. 9. period between when a person is first exposed to a virus and when they develop symptoms is known as this
  6. 10. of emergency, This is different from the “public health” emergency that was issued by the Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary Alex Azar at the end of January, which was made to help state agencies redirect funds and staff to address COVID-19
  7. 11. a device that protects a person from inhaling dangerous substances such as chemicals or infectious particles
  8. 12. the global outbreak of a disease
  1. 2. strategies that are used at the beginning of an outbreak
  2. 3. equipment worn by healthcare workers to reduce exposure to the coronavirus
  3. 6. occurs when a disease rapidly spreads to a large number of people within a community, population, or region
  4. 8. distancing, the deliberate increase of physical space between people to keep them from spreading illness
  5. 9. a medical procedure that may be used for people with severe COVID-19 who are unable to breathe on their own
  6. 13. this is meant to keep sick people from infecting other people by keeping them away from everyone